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(1 umsögn viðskiptavinar)

13.990 kr.

66 SKAMMTAR 212 kr./á skammt


Performance Protein is our newest whey blend, consisting of both whey isolate and whey concentrate. As always, we have avoided cheaper and less effective forms of protein by opting to use only whey proteins.

We have focused on quality, but not at the cost of taste! Providing choice and variety with 9 delicious flavours to choose from.

Our 2kg tub contains 66 servings.

When a whole food meal is not convenient and a fast alternative is needed, (such as pre or post workout, when travelling or working) we suggest using 1 serving of Performance Protein.

For larger individuals, 2 servings may need to be consumed to meet your daily protein requirements. We believe this to be most effective at 1g per pound of body weight.

For example, if you weigh 140 lbs, consuming 140g of protein spread across the day will see the most optimal approach to recovery, fat loss and physique progress. This could be achieved in 4 meals of 30g of protein and 1 meal of 20g. 

Consuming under 20g of protein in a single feeding has been shown to have less than optimal impacts on muscle protein synthesis. Therefore, we always encourage a minimum of 20g of protein to be consumed in any one meal.


Ofnæmis- og óþolsvaldar – Mjólk. Whey Prótein

Gæti innihaldið – Mjólk, Egg, Soja og Glúten


Geymsluskilyrði – Geymið á þurrum og köldum stað.

Best fyrir – sjá dagsetningu á vöru.

Upprunaland – UK


Blandið einni skeið (30 gr.) út í 250 – 300 ml af vatni, hrærið, hristið eða blandið vel í 30 sekúndur eða þar til duftið er alveg leyst upp.

Pro tip – Prófaðu að blanda í mjólk eða möndlumjólk fyrir mýkri áferð

Skeið innifalin.

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