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The fight against fat accumulation. Give yourself the competitive edge in the fight against fat loss with Silencer®, our latest non-stimulant fat burning formulation scientifically designed for the person not looking to over stimulate during a diet regiment.

Unlock your bodies top physical potential via non-thermogenic pathways making your diet phase comfortable and less exhausting on your body. In each serving of Silencer® you’ll get 200mcg of 3,5 Diiodo-L-Thyronine, or better known as T2. T2 converts to the thyroid hormone T3 once ingested into the body. Bodybuilders and athletes have known about the power of T3 to shed bodyfat for decades. Now you can experience it for yourself.

You’ll also be getting Acetyl-L-Carnitine, Conjugated Linoleic Acid, Garcinia Cambogia Extract and many other non-stimulate fat burning supplements packed inside each dose. Whether by blocking the absorption of fat eaten by a person or reducing the amount of glucose production and even lowering cholesterol; All positive benefits of taking Silencer® as part of your daily fat loss routine.

Silencer® can be taken by both men and women and for optimum fat burning effects we recommend stacking Silencer® with Double Tap to ensure you are maximizing each pathway for the quickest and most efficient fat melting program.

How is SILENCER® different from DOUBLE TAP?

SILENCER® is a non-stimulant based fat burner that helps breakdown, mobilize and burn fat throughout the day.  It also aids in temporary water loss and optimizing thyroid function.  DOUBLE TAP is a strong stimulant-based fat burner that assists in breaking down and burning fat.


Yes!  Both products work to burn fat but they approach it from different pathways so they are actually very complimentary.

How should I use SILENCER® and DOUBLE TAP together?

To get the most out of both products, we suggest starting with a serving of DOUBLE TAP first thing in the am before morning cardio or before your first meal.  Mid to late morning we suggest a serving of SILENCER® to keep the fat burning process going.  In the early afternoon or before training, you can take an additional serving of DOUBLE TAP and then before bed, take a final serving of SILENCER® to aid in fat metabolism while you sleep

How many should I take?

For best results with SILENCER®, take (4) capsules 2 x daily.  To maximize uptake, take each serving on an empty stomach.

Will SILENCER® effect my sleep at night?

No, SILENCER® will not affect your sleep.  The formula has zero stimulants and will not cause you sleeplessness.

How does SILENCER® work?

SILENCER® works by attacking fat burning from a multi-faceted approach.  The first prong is raspberry ketones.  Raspberry ketones have been shown to increase the release of the enzyme lipase.  Lipase helps to release fatty acids into the blood where they can be utilized.  Now that we have more fatty acids in the blood stream, acetyl-l-carnitine and l-carnitine tartrate help to carry these fatty acids into the mitochondria of the cells so they can be oxidized for energy.  Additionally, we help prevent additional fatty acid storage through the inclusion of garcinia cambogia.  Garcinia, also known as hydroxycitric acid, not only suppresses appetite so you eat less but it also helps to block citrate lyase, an enzyme responsible for the conversion of startches and sugars into fat.  To round out the weight loss process, we have included dandelion root extract to help temporarily reduce excess water weight and have included 3,5-diiodo-l-thyronine (T2) to help with supporting thyroid function.

Is there any caffeine or other stimulants in SILENCER®?

NO, SILENCER® contains zero stimulants.

Is SILENCER® safe for both men and women?

SILENCER® is definitely safe for both men and women.

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