We utilize 25g per serving of Micellar Casein in this protein formula, so it keeps working long after you’ve left the gym. It’s slow-release formulation is designed for occasions when you want a protein that takes its time and delivers its amino acids benefits over several hours.
Slow-release Protein
Thick and satisfying, R1 Casein extends amino acid delivery for several hours, making this great between meals or as an overnight protein.
R1 Casein provides 25g of slow-release protein in a thick and satisfying shake.
- Made with 100% micellar casein protein
- Extended amino acid delivery
- Feeds muscles while you sleep
- Naturally rich in all 9 EAAs, including 3 BCAAs
R1 Casein’s extended-delivery formula includes several positive negatives:
- ZERO Non-Casein Proteins
- ZERO Creamers
- ZERO Amino Spiking
- ZERO Banned Substances
Gæti innihaldið – Framleitt í verksmiðju sem meðhöndlar mjólk, egg, glúten, soja o.þ.h. vörur.
Ofnæmis- & óþolsvaldar – Mjólk
Geymsluskilyrði – Geymið á þurrum og köldum stað.
Best fyrir – sjá dagsetningu á vöru.
Upprunaland – US
Blandið einni skeið (28 gr.) út í 250 – 350 ml af vatni, mjólk eða möndlumjólk, hrærið, hristið eða blandið vel í 30 sekúndur eða þar til duftið er alveg leyst upp.
Skeið innifalin.