Fuel your body with MRE, commonly known in the Military as Meals Ready-to-Eat. M.R.E. are rations given to the soldiers to provide them with nutrients to keep running strong while out in the field. We have perfected the ultimate flavors that will change any thoughts you have towards meal replacements. There are two mouthwatering flavors for you to chose from: Sweet Potato Pie and Blueberry Cobbler.
mre fact line
The most important fuel you can give your body is real food, especially whole foods. MRE is made from natural ingredients and a real protein blend. Our formula contains absolutely no whey! With MRE, we have given you the nutrients you need to repair and recover muscle tissue from the best possible whole foods sources. Stop reaching for fast foods and reach for whole foods with M.R.E.
Ofnæmis- og óþolsvaldar – Egg, Mjólk, Fisk (Lax), Trjáhnetur (Kókoshneta)
Gæti innihaldið – Soja, Hnetur (Jarðhnetur), Hveiti, Skelfisk
Geymsluskilyrði – Geymið á þurrum og köldum stað.
Best fyrir – sjá dagsetningu á vöru.
Upprunaland – US
Notkunarleiðbeiningar - duft
Blandið einni skeið (31 gr.) út í 180 – 240 ml af vatni, hrærið, hristið eða blandið vel í 30 sekúndur eða þar til duftið er alveg leyst upp.
Pro tip –
Skeið innifalin.
Algengar spurningar
1. Is MRE vegan friendly?
No MRE is not vegan friendly. MRE is made from animal protein sources such as fish, beef, eggs and chicken.
2. Is MRE dairy free?
NO. While MRE contains no whey protein, it does contain dairy and should not be consumed if you have a dairy allergy.
3. Does MRE contain whey?
No whey but mixes just as easily as a whey shake.
4. Can MRE be used as a meal replacement?
Yes MRE is the ideal meal replacement shake.
5. How many scoops is ideal for a shake?
A full 4 scoops is the perfect shakes for a meal replacement but depending on your diet a 2-4 scoops is great.
6. Is MRE foamy?
Minimal foam if any.
7. Is MRE clumpy?
No MRE mixes easily and goes down smooth.
8. Is MRE meant to only be mixed with water?
No MRE can be mixed with water, milk, almond milk or whatever your preference is.
9. Is MRE gluten free?
Yes MRE is gluten free.
10. Can you taste the salmon?
No you absolutely can NOT taste the salmon.